Thursday, June 12, 2014

Virginia ~ Manassas and Oakhill

MUSAP at Manassas National Battlefield

So many possibilities of things to do and see in Virginia. I didn’t feel 100% after a busy day in Washington the day before so I took my time getting out the door.


Because it was nearby I decided to go to the Manassas National Battlefield Site. It’s a huge park with many options. I watched their movie to get some background information about First Manassas which was the battle on July 21, 1861. It’s also known as the Battle of Bull Run. There was Second Manassas on August 28-30, 1862. I didn’t go to the part of the Park where Second Manassas took place.

family cemetery 

At First Manassas I walked the Henry Hill Trail. Such hallowed ground where there were almost 5000 casualties.

Civil War cannons

also known as Bull Run

After my historical photo walk I went  to see my friend Mark in Aldie, Virginia. Mark is Jon’s friend from circus time in Brattleboro and he came up to do the flowers for Jon & Meredith’s wedding last October. Jon and Darin live on an amazing old farm called Oak Hill Farm. It has a long history and was once the home of fifth president James Monroe.

Mark and Wyatt with MUSAP

Mark & I took their two dogs for a walk around the farm and I took some pix along the way. The farm has homes big and small, barns, many out buildings, and lots of woods and fields, Because we were busy talking and catching up I didn’t take that many pix. We went back to the house to meet up with Darin, drop off the dogs then head out for dinner in Leesburg. On the way out we drove through the farm (it’s hundreds of acres) - past even more of the buildings, some quite tumbled down, and fields where the farm grows corn, sod, and more. There are a couple of horses so we stopped so I could take a few more pix.

Oakhill Farm horse

Mark and Darin had obviously discussed where to take me for dinner knowing my limited pallette. We went to the Blue Ridge Grill and it was perfect. They both recommend the Brentwood Salad. I enjoyed a filet mignon.

Oakhill Farm barn

Because the farm was so amazing I invited myself to go back the next morning to take another photo walk. Mark was home trying to get lots of things done on his day off and before he & Darin go away for the weekend. We visited briefly and then I took a walk with my cameras. The sun was shining and it was a wonderful spring day.

Oakhill Farm outbuilding - check the chimney

One of the tumble down buildings close to their house has a resident vulture - a fun photo subject.

black vulture

Already thinking about a return trip to Oak Hill Farm to capture the changing seasons. After I got home I bought a biography of James Monroe.

signs of spring on the farm

waiting for the birds

visited 04/09/14 and 04/10/14

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